Professional Dog training with Lucy and the team

Services available from Winchester to Newbury and surrounding areas.

Are you in need of some extra help with your four legged friend?  Being a dog owner is incredibly rewarding, but it can have it's challenges.  Whether you've rescued a dog, or bought a puppy, they can develop behaviours that perhaps you need assistance with.  Simple daily tasks like walking your dog can be stressful if your dog pulls, lunges, or reacts to other people or dogs, or if they don't come back when called.  I've seen first hand how it can affect the relationship between dog and owner, that's where I come in!  I specialise in helping owners to build strong, healthy, loving friendships with their dogs, so that they can live harmoniously together.

Does your dog jump up at your guests when they arrive?  Jumping up can be frustrating for dog owners, and in some cases painful!  Creating healthy and suitable door manners for your dog is essential.  You want your guests to feel welcome in your home, not buldozed!  Having a training session can really help with this, you will start to understand why your dog does certain things, and we will form a game plan to help you prevent certain behaviours in the future.

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Puppy Training

A Puppy Training course designed to help you on your way to having a well balanced, happy puppy.

1-2-1 Dog Training

Individually tailored Training package to suit you & your dog

Dog Training Walks

A 60 minute solo walk with your dog to work on improving things like recall, loose lead walking, and more.

Continual Care

A package available for existing clients that have completed either the Puppy Course, 121 Dog Training, or Training walks.

Meet your Trainer


I love helping owners and their dogs to live happily & harmoniously, using positive, force free, and ethical training methods only.  I'm a certified Dog Trainer through the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers, who are the leading education provider for Dog Trainers & Behaviourists in the UK.

I moved from Cape Town, South Africa to the UK in 2014.  Having worked in the financial sector throughout my 20's, I discovered that my true passion was to work with dogs. I then studied part time with the IMDT in order to become a qualified Dog Trainer and launched my business in August 2022.

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Our Blog

News, events and success

Discount codes, training tips, and helpful advice.  Have a look at our blog posts below to find out more information

Feeding your dog good quality food

Unsure why so many people have switched to feeding their dogs good quality food? Diet plays a huge role in your dogs behaviour.

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Why grooming your dog is important

Unlike cats, dogs can't clean themselves, so need a helping hand to ensure their coat and features remain in good condition.

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Where to walk your reactive Dog in Andover

Tired of having stressful walks? Walking a reactive dog can be tough, especially if you don't know where to go

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